
Age 36, Male


Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Joined on 10/14/03

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W35's News

Posted by W35 - July 15th, 2010

Last weekend the 2nd annual Totally Awesome Car Rally took place. I drove a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder with a lightning bolt painted on the side.

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Full video of the weekend is being edited as we speak and will be shared when completed.

Posted by W35 - May 6th, 2010

Sports Awesome has been making episodes for one full year! To celebrate this occasion we had a delicious cake (that wasn't a lie) and finally got ourselves a real studio.

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I think the episode went very well and hopefully they will continue to get better.
This year we are hoping to set up a few special episodes similar to one with the Manitoba Bisons Hockey team.

One day I might make Flash again, but until then you'll have to deal with real videos.

Posted by W35 - October 17th, 2009

On one of the last few weekends of the 2009 summer, we came up with the fantastic idea to attempt to bake cookies in my car using the heat from the sun and the vehicle's heater. This idea became even better when it became a challenge between ourselves to see who could stay in the vehicle the longest.

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Though it was quite warm out on the day we chose, if we had a warmer day I'm sure we could have reached temperatures in the 70C range. The maximum temperature we were able to achieve was 62C, which being from Canada, is pretty damn hot (eh).
Being a fairly spontaneous event, we didn't do much planning ahead. None of us thought to wear shorts, and our drink of choice wasn't doing much hydrating.
The cookies weren't a total success, but they weren't a failure either. If the temperature had been higher, or we waited a little longer, I am very confident that the cookies would have hardened and tasted just like the ones that would come from a real oven.

Posted by W35 - October 12th, 2009

Adobe has announced that their upcoming beta release of Flash Pro CS5 will enable Flash developers to port their apps/games to the iPhone/Touch platform.
This is fantastic news since for a while I have been wanting to create iPhone versions of some of my projects.
The beta is to be available before the end of this year.

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http://www.iphonehacks.com/2009/10/ado be-makes-it-possible-to-create-iphone-

Posted by W35 - August 8th, 2009

New project is going well. Recently finished episode 3 and the feedback from viewers has been great. Currently at around 75 fans on Facebook which I found surprising considering the short amount of time Sports Awesome has been around.

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You can become a fan at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sports-A wesome/117150560890 and you can also follow us at http://www.twitter.com/SportsAwesome

Posted by W35 - May 24th, 2009

Today I finished creating the first episode of one of my new projects, Sports Awesome. The show is hosted by my good friend Jarred Wood and is as ridiculous as ever. For a first go around, where we really didn't know what we were trying to do, things worked out fairly well.

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Sadly the content is a little outdated since I took quite a long time editing, but now that we have a better idea of what we are doing, things should be a bit more streamlined. We hope to start filming a second episode within the coming month.

Posted by W35 - April 28th, 2009

So I entered this contest with Coors light. Basically if I win, I have a "job" at the 'Coors Light Maxim Golf Experience' where I go around the event and make sure everyone is having a good time.

Win a job? That's a shitty prize

Yeah, but the way I see it, it will still be better than me sitting on my ass at home. So! What I want you to do is to go to my page, vote for me (which sadly you have to sign up for, but it takes <30 seconds and you can just use fake shit anyways.) and then I will party hard and take pictures of all the purdy wemens for you.

Deal? Thx.

http://www.coorslight.ca/clbc/events/m aximgolf/becomepartofthelegend/en/prof ile_view.aspx?ProfileID=687

Vote me for Director of Mayhem!

Posted by W35 - March 22nd, 2009

Finally the negative temperatures seem to be gone. Several plans have been made so far for different skits and events this summer. Sadly none of them are directly related to Flash, but I do have a couple ideas that may incorporate some Flash. I am currently looking for a house to rent which would give me a bigger and better office, which I find helps motivate me to do Flash since I can stand to be in the office for extended periods of time. Perhaps a new chair would be nice as well...

To see what I have been doing/working on lately, you can check my website at WesGill.net or my YouTube channel.

Also since I just found out about the embed video feature, here's the latest video that I have made:

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We took a trip out to Fernie, BC and had a ridiculous time.

Keep it real NG.

Posted by W35 - September 1st, 2007

I received my Macbook Pro today and it is even greater than I had thought it would be. You get what you pay for I guess. This is my first time actually using OSX however and it is quite...interesting. I have yet to understand where the "files" are. Everything just seems to be a shortcut to something else. The window management is somewhat confusing aswell. If I didnt have expose, I think I'd be lost forever. Safari is a terrible web broswer, Firefox is minutes away from completeing downloading so I'll at least have that going for me. I hope to get bootcamp running in the near future and get back to an enviroment I know.

For a first post, I probably could have done better. I also could have done alot worse. Happy September.